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Science International (SI) is a digital publishing platform of open access journals based in Dubai, UAE. The sole mission of SI is to foster the exchange of open research & scholarly information across all disciplines.
For Authors

Science International is an open-access journal publishing platform dedicated to providing rapid and quality publishing services to researchers and scholars without editorial biasness.

Our journals are ideal for authors who want to get their work published under an open-access license in the most secure, swift, and straightforward manner. Since all our associated journals are indexed in the leading recognized databases, so it comes with the additional benefit of wider accessibility with targeted readership.

Submission policies
Upon submission of a new manuscript to any of the Science International journals, the author confirms that the submitted article:

  • It has not been published elsewhere
  • Not under consideration for publication anywhere
  • Approved by all co-author(s), as well as by other responsible authorities
  • Does not hold any conflict of interest or authorship dispute.

The author is responsible for obtaining permission (for already published, figures, tables, or text passages) from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format and including evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers.

Online Submission
The new manuscript should only be submitted through the online submission system. The electronic submissions substantially enhance transparency in the editorial procedure, minimize reviewing time frame and fasten the overall publishing process.

Choose a journal from the following list for Guide to Authors, Aims & Scope, and Submit a Manuscript.

Potential reviewers
Authors may suggest up to four potential reviewers who should be experts in the topic of your study. They should not have a conflict of interest, so do not suggest your advisor if you are a student or close collaborator.
Note: The Editor reserves the right to decide whether or not to send the manuscript to the suggested reviewer(s).

Manuscript length

  • Research Article should not be more than 35 pages in total inclusive of title page, abstract, text, acknowledgments, references, tables, figure legends, and figures
  • A Review Article should not be more than 45 pages in total
  • Short Communication should not be more than 12 pages in total.

In case of longer manuscripts, please get in touch with the Editor-in-Chief before submission.


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Science International © 2025